Trendz TV Network offers a platform for independent artists and grass-roots businesses to grow their fan base via national television and radio exposure as well as bring awareness to an issue that affects the "Y" Generation; VIOLENCE!
Trendz TV show uses music as the pillar of communication amongst youth in America to express themselves differently and battle lyrically on a national television show gaining exposure to approximately 41 million households not easily accessible to the unsigned artist.
Over the past 10 yrs, Trendz has offered numerous unsigned singers, rappers, dancers, models, poets, comedians, and entrepreneurs the opportunity to take advantage of its national platform.
Trendz TV Show is a family-friendly show on its ROKU Channel (Trendz Network) that recognizes young adults and organizations for outstanding work in their communities that bring awareness to our Stop the Violence Movement.
"Trendz, make em' and we'll follow you"
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